Elements To Consider for Your Kitchen Remodel

Updating the kitchen is on a lot of homeowners’ wish lists. When the update is part of historic home remodeling, however, it presents an extra challenge. How do you install modern upgrades for convenience while still preserving the integrity of the historical style?
Kitchen remodeling needs to match the general layout of the house, particularly
if you are confined to a specific style. For example, in a home with Cape Cod
styling, the foundation of all your decisions is going to be cozy elegance. You
want to stick to an open layout that leaves generous space for flow from the
kitchen to the dining area and living room. You may also look for ways to make
your breakfast nook more homey and comfortable. Keep this in mind when talking
to your designer about your renovations.
Historic home remodeling in a cape-style house means that your cabinets, sink
and hardware need to work with the overall feel of the house. Distressed wood
treatments and brass or pewter handles are good choices. Consider open shelving
for a portion of your storage space. A farmhouse sink is both simple and
luxurious, giving you a highly functional piece without sacrificing style.
You can still include modern appliances during the kitchen remodeling process.
You just want to make sure they are a style that matches the rest of the room.
Brushed steel blends in well with Cape-style decor.
The elements of your kitchen design that stick out the most are likely to be
the items you use to decorate. The soft look of distressed linens and details
such as fresh flowers or embroidery creates the ambiance of the room. The style
and color scheme of your window treatments can complete the historic look you
are going for.
The historic home remodeling process is a little more complicated than a renovation where you aren’t limited to a particular style. With the aid of an experienced designer and contractor, however, you can find ways to combine modern convenience with old-world style.